I Shall Be Released

There is no question that listening to music is a spiritual experience. Praise to God has many creative styles including choirs, chants, gospels and hymns. Listening to the powerful sounds of music transports us to another world. Music relaxes our bodies so we can soar.

The tile of this article is from the singer/composer Bob Dylan's song "I Shall Be Released." The song has been recorded by other musicians and sung emotionally as a finale performance on Martin Scorses's documentary of a Bob Dylan tour. One woman commented that she played this song for her father's funeral.

Remember this song was written by Dylan in 1967. Yet, don't we still love it today? Don't we still love Mozart today? There is a timelessness to great music. Great people, just like great music. never die. As the author Aldous Huxley wrote in his book Music at Night and Other Essays : “After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."

Listen to this version by two artists I didn't know before writing this post. Or take this other duet rendition with Mr. Bob and Norah