A Friend's Life

When Mr. Chin and Mr. Lin first met, they were the only two Asian people living in a homeless shleter in Brooklyn, New York. According to a New York Times report written by Sam Dolnick , the men "soon became friends" and "and their friendship deepened over time." Figths in the shelter were not unmcommon, and one night a shelter resident jumped and beat Mr. Lin, who suffered bleeding, bruises , and brken bones in his face. Mr. Chin has accompanied him to the hospital. TGwo years later Mr. Lin went to Bellvue Hosaptil and died from complcations of Coronavirus.

As the reporter continues, " Friendships can be hard to memorialize - relatives, partners, children often take pride of place. But a friendship can be the defining bond in a person's life, offering a kinship that family cannot, a refuge through lonely, hungry days."